Tour de Hobart

We flew into Hobart late Wednesday night, rented a car and got a room at Hotel Brunswick, a backpacker friendly place with a cool bar. Seeing the sign for “Dragon Chinese” two doors on the right I had a sudden desire for noodles or something. Upon mentioning the plan, Evie was deferred by the local innkeep to the other “Chinese” food restaurant to the left. This actually turned out to be a Japanese place. Same difference in Tas, I guess. After our meal I knew why we had been steered away. I can’t say the spring rolls were a mark of craftsmanship. Managing to escape any food poisoning we went back to the Brunswick. A bonus of the place was a free beer at their bar for any hotel guests. Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately) they called closing soon after we got there. Hobart seemed a bit of a sleepy town on a Wednesday night .

We spent the next day getting situated and walking around Hobart. The folks at the Red Herring surf shop were super nice. They hooked up a reasonable surfboard “hire” (the term for rentals here) and they pointed out a lot of breaks. Strolling around town we ended up in the Battery Point area. The neighborhood was very cute, very quaint, and I would guess, very expensive. After a nice stroll and shooting some footage, We then took a 1/2 hr drive down the coast to Kettering for the ferry to Bruny Island.  Although the weather was cloudy and had bits of light spatters, it really was charming and the grey skies didn’t make us feel unwelcome in the least.
